Report Cards

This year, Palliser School Division is shifting to a common elementary report card. This will be an outcome based report card using the Edsby platform. More information will be shared with families about the format and proficiency scale for this report card.
With the report card changes, our school has also adjusted the format and dates for grades 1-3 interviews and report cards. During the upcoming fall interviews, families will also receive a progress update document. The formal outcome based report card will be accessible via Edsby at the mid-year point (end of January). In March, we will have another set of parent teacher interviews. The second formal report card will be issued in June, at the end of the school year.
Timeline overview:
October - Interviews and progress report
January - Mid-year Report Cards (available via Edsby)
March - Interviews
June - Year-end Report Cards (available via Edsby)